Beginners' Tracking Clinic in Danby, VT. - Sat. May 11, 2024
This Beginners' Tracking clinic is structured to provide handlers with a foundation of training principles and techniques to begin tracking training with their canine companion and, if desired, working towards the Tracking Titles as offered by the American Kennel Club (AKC). Participants will leave the seminar with a fundamental knowledge of scent theory, tracking equipment selection and handling, tracking training theory, AKC tracking test regulations and requirements, track setting and mapping, interpretation of a dog’s actions while tracking and common tracking problems (both human and canine) and their solutions.
The day will consist of classroom and outside presentations and hands on exercises in the field both with and without your dog. The instructors and assistants are experienced TCV Club members who were all beginners once and understand the questions and confusion that can confront those just starting out. They have learned over the years from others and experience and are eager to help newcomers to start out correctly. All instructors have earned tracking titles with their dogs.