About us
The Tracking Club of Vermont was established in 1991. Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month in the Rutland Area. The club holds tracking tests and clinics each year. Events and meetings are open to the public.
2024 Club Officers
President: Marianne Sutherland
Vice President: Ginny Wilson
Treasurer: Patty McWillilams
Secretary: Dee Bort
Board of Directors:
Mie Kingsley, Joyce Pedone, Linda Bargfrede, Dave Bargfrede, Patti Richards
Constitution and Bylaws click here
Club History
2006 - OTCH Connemera Jasmine VDX3 RA a Labrador Retriever is our first to pass a TDX test.2005 ? TCV held the 3rd annual TDX test May 1st at Smokey House in Danby, VT. Judges were Arthur Twiss and Salle Richards. The 11th annual TD test was held October 16th at Smokey House in Danby. Ray Desmarais and Miles Garrod judged. All four entries passed and received their TD titles.
2004 ? TCV held their 10th annual TD test October 17th. Six of the eight dogs entered earned their TD titles. Ray Desmarais and Miles Garrod judged.
2003 ? TCV held the first TDX test April 27th at the Smokey House in Danby, VT. John Barnard and Arthur Twiss were the judges. TCV held the 9th annual TD test October 12th at Smokey House in Danby, VT. Celeste Kelly and Miles Garrod judged.
2002 ? In October the second TDX match was held with Miles Garrod and Joanne Fratrich judging. In November approval was received to hold AKC TDX tests.
2001 ? TCV held their first TDX club match at Smokey House in Danby in April.
1996 ? At the end of 1996, Dana Avison, our founder and mentor, was presented the first ?Dana Avison Award.? This award is presented annually to the member who has done the most for tracking and for TCV during the year. The recipient is selected by the membership using anonymous written ballots.
1995 ? In July, The Tracking Club of Vermont, Inc. (TCV), became an AKC licensed tracking club with permission to hold TD tests. The first test was held October 22nd at the Walker Fields. Dana Avison and Miles Garrod were the judges for this event.
1994 ? Plan B match was held September 24th. Plan A match held November 12th.
1993 ? The completed constitution and by-laws were approved by the membership and submitted to the AKC in the late spring. The first match was held September 25th at the Walker Fields with 6 TD tracks.
1992 ? The first clinic, a two day event, was held May 9 and 10, 1992 in the Rutland area with 13 members and guests attending. A sanctioned test was also held in the summer.
1991 ? Dana Avison had a vision and the desire to create a tracking club in Vermont. The first meeting of the club, temporarily known as the Greater Rutland Area Tracking Club, was held October 10, 1991 in Rutland, VT.